It’s clinically dosed (just means that it isn’t filled with bullshit ingredients and will actually contribute towards a better workout), and comes in a stim and non stim version (if you want caffeine or not). It also has a potent stimulant complex comprised of a high dose of Caffeine and N-Phenethyl Dimethylamine Citrate. 99 percent of the community will also agree with this statement. It has a massive dose of L-Citrulline, GlycerPump, Agmatine, Creatine and Betaine to saturate your muscles with blood and intracellular hydration. This is the most heavily dosed ingredient in Gorilla Mode and a popular ingredient in many stim and pump preworkouts. This product is maxed out in the pump and performance category, as well as in the energy and focus category. This product is maxed out in the pump and performance category, as well as in the energy and focus category. With Gorilla Mode you can expect a massive increase in nitric oxide (NO) levels, intramuscular hydration, energy, focus and as significant of a boost in muscle strength and endurance as you can get from a legal non-hormonal pre-workout. L-citrulline is an effective ergogenic (workout-enhancing) ingredient, and is dosed at 9,000 milligrams (mg) per two scoops of Gorilla Mode. We consider nearly every active ingredient in Gorilla Mode to be effectively dosed. With Gorilla Mode you can expect a massive increase in nitric oxide (NO) levels, intramuscular hydration, energy, focus and as significant of a boost in muscle strength and endurance as you can get from a legal non-hormonal pre-workout Gorilla Mode is Gorilla Mind's pre-workout supplement, and it's one of the most potent pre-workouts we’ve ever analyzed. Please check-out the following items which are proving popular amongst former customers of Gorilla Mind: Gorilla Mode is a pre-workout supplement that is loaded with 9 grams of L-Citrulline, 3 grams of Malic acid, and a mix of vitamins and other natural elements. Gorilla Mode 'Energy' contains a massive dose of carefully chosen synergistic stimulants and nootropics.