Keystone Light | Fame 74% | Popularity 25%.Bud Light Plainum | Fame 78% | Popularity 25%.Great Lakes | Fame 47% | Popularity 26%.Molson Canadian | Fame 6% | Popularity 26%.Natural Light | Fame 77% | Popularity 26%.Bud Light Lime | Fame 84% | Popularity 26%.Yuengling Lager | Fame 57% | Popularity 27%.Natural Ice | Fame 74% | Popularity 28%.Bud Light Platinum | Fame 82% | Popularity 28%.St Pauli Girl | Fame 58% | Popularity 28%.Negra Modelo | Fame 55% | Popularity 29%.Busch Light | Fame 90% | Popularity 29%.Redds Apple Ale | Fame 63% | Popularity 29%.Coors Banquet | Fame 69% | Popularity 30%.

Modelo Especial | Fame 59% | Popularity 30%.Rolling Rock | Fame 68% | Popularity 31%.Heineken Light | Fame 90% | Popularity 31%.Michelob Light | Fame 87% | Popularity 32%.Miller Genuine Draft | Fame 87% | Popularity 33%.Miller High Life | Fame 91% | Popularity 35%.Miller Genunine Draft | Fame 87% | Popularity 35%.Pabst Blue Ribbon | Fame 89% | Popularity 36%.Corona Extra | Fame 86% | Popularity 36%.Michelob Ultra | Fame 88% | Popularity 36%.Coors Light | Fame 93% | Popularity 36%.Miller Lite | Fame 94% | Popularity 36%.Corona Light | Fame 94% | Popularity 39%.Stella Artois | Fame 79% | Popularity 41%.Samuel Adams | Fame 90% | Popularity 45%.Samuel Adams helped spearhead the craft beer movement, so it's good to see them so high on the list. We may even sneak in a brand of seltzer just to highlight how popular they are. The difference is that the first 50 belong to the mass market. Updated | Read Time: 4 minutes Sam Adams, good for any time of the year. The top 50 beers in America by popularity, according to YouGov, are below. The 50 Most Popular Beers & Brewers in the U.S. the 50 most popular beers & brewers in the u.s.Beer Alcohol Content Beer Festivals Beer Glasses Beer Reviews Breweries Brewery Jobs Brewery Tours Cideries Distributors Drinking Holidays Hard Seltzer Homebrew Books Homebrew Stores Interviews NA Beer Shipping Alcohol Toasts Types of Beer Types of Hops